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Accountability Lounge - safe space for women

It's time to start putting yourself first. Your Goals are Valid

Most times as women, we are conditioned to think that our dreams are too wild. The Accountability Lounge was created so that women like you can have a safe space to pursue their goals and aspirations without judgment no matter how tiny it may seem.

Member's Success Story

" helped me get ready to launch both,

my new website and my new collection"

If you don’t TRULY want to be held accountable, you don’t want these sessions. This community is going to help you think through what you want to accomplish, give you suggestions on how to do it well, and then hold you accountable to put in the work. This was a game-changer for me.

Twana E-commerce Coach and Boutique Owner

AreYou a Lounger?

loung·er /ˈlounjər/ - someone who prefers to live a relaxed life. You don't need to be stressed to accomplish your goals. You work smart, not hard.

Group of Friends Icon

Match with an Accountability Group

Filled In Idea Icon

Create a clear vision for your goals

Monoline Goal Planning Icon

Map out a personalized plan for you

Track your success & be held Accountable

So you created a vision board for the umpteenth time, it felt good but nothing happened. You know you have to do something different this year but you just need a little push...

A few years ago, things happened and my life fell out of alignment. I struggled with getting things done, I made plans, lots of them; but always procrastinated when it came to execution. It was like I knew what I was supposed to do but could never get myself to actually do it.

I even created a vision board and for sure thought, I'd do better but had the worst year of my life.

2 years later, I had just started to be intentional about my relationships and found a group of women who were hungry and hard-working & to be honest I had the most amazing year. Half the things on my board were accomplished that year,

I found my tribe and they held me accountable even when it was tough,

I created the Accountability Lounge community because as women, there are several areas of our lives we want to be better at. But sometimes it's just hard. So I wanted to create a safe space that allowed us to do that.

When you become a Lounger, YOU give yourself permission to focus on YOU for 90 days. Can you do this?

You can break the never-ending cycle of disappointing yourself with incomplete goals,

There is a community of loungers ready to cheer you on!


Imagine how wonderful your life could be if …

You focused on yourself and your goals for the next 12 months

You feel happier and content with your life.

You committed to journaling daily and as a result, You feel more balanced and less foggy, or sad.

You prioritized yourself, traveled more and improved your creativity and broadened your views!

Chased after something that made you feel bold and ecstatic which brought so much happiness to your life

I've created the solution to help you get there 10x faster!

You can continue failing at doing this by yourself every year


you can make an investment in your self and your dreams.


The Accountability Lounge

Women on Online Group Call

An Accountability community created to provide a safe space for women to put themselves FIRST and accomplish their goals. Are you ready for a happier and more authentic life?

What's included

Monthly Group Calls to help you stay on track

After we match you with your group, you and your accountability group will decide on dates and times to meet regularly to keep each other on track and also help one another solve whatever roadblocks that may arise.

Monthly Goal Setting

EVery month we will help you get clear on your goals as well as break them down into smaller tasks so you don't have to feel overwhelmed

Personal Goal Tracker

To ensure transparency, you will be assigned a goal tracker making it easy for our team and your accountability partner to keep track of our progress.

Grow Your Network

Get connected with other women within the community. Grow your network, make life long friends, travel together and live your best lives together.

Attend community Events

We care about the well-being of our members and will organize occasional events and co-working experiences to help push each and everyone to their goals.

Here are some members' results!

The Accountability Lounge helped me turn my plans into action!

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Twana- E-commerce COACH


The Accountability Lounge helped hold me accountable to do the things we say we are going to do!

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Here’s your 3-step plan to achieving your goals this year


Get Clear on the vision

Most of the time we have a vague picture of what we want, but we have a hard time painting a clear vision of what we actually want for ourselves. During the onboarding call, we start helping you get really clear on what it is you really want to accomplish.


Break it down into phases

Once we have helped you paint a crystal clear HD picture we break it all down into puzzle pieces that you can handle in phases by doing the work. So that by the time you have all the pieces together, you are already living in the reality of what was once a dream in your head.


Track Your Progress

And to make sure you find yourself in that vision you painted. We, alongside your accountability group hold you accountable to complete these goals.

That's all great, but how is this different from all those other solutions out there?


We empower you from start to finish

Your life starts to take a different trajectory when you feel empowered and in control. We make sure we empower you to take the appropriate steps while supporting you.


We have community managers working with you every step of the way

Our community managers are on standby to help you stay on track, We understand your accountability partner might fall off, so we will be there to make sure you are always supported!


We allow you to be your authentic self as you work through the process

In all of this, we ask that you stay yourself. Committed to molding an authentic version working towards that big dream.


You are a great fit for the Accountability Lounge if...

You are a mom, changing careers, joining the gym, investing in your personal development and learning, and would love to be connected with an accountability buddy to hold each other accountable.

You are a woman who struggle with too many things on your plate and always end up putting yourself last

You are a woman who makes a lot of plans for herself but struggle with following through.

You procrastinate A LOT! it's a surprise you ever get anything done. And you need someone to check in with you.

Most importantly, at this stage in your life, A boyfriend is nice but getting your Money &Your Life, together sounds nicer!

Diverse Women Celebrating

You can Accomplish Anything you set your mind to.

Here are a few goals you can achieve in the Accountability Lounge

Pursue Your Passions - Start that business, travel more, find your creative side, find your happiness.

Lose weight by Exercise Regularly And Continuously.

Become more intentional about your spiritual practice, be it praying more, meditating, journaling, you name it.

Increase your productivity, learn new skills, get that certification.

Take control of your life, make a career change, manage your debt, and make more time for the things and people you love!

The Possibilities are endless!!


Hi there, I'm Caris!

I am an Accountability Coach and Digital strategist for purpose-driven business owners. I have spent a good chunk of my work helping clients gain clarity and holding them accountable.

Just like you, I struggled with follow-through in the past and even allowed my limiting beliefs to stop me from pursuing some of my dreams. And just like you are going to do today, I decided doubt no longer had a place in my life and I am excited to inspire you to do the same.

The Accountability Lounge is a community I needed but never had and now I am creating it so you can have a safe space to accomplish all of your goals & dreams.


Here's what others are saying!


The Accountability Lounge

Women on Online Group Call

You have read everything, and at this point, you know exactly what you need to do. What is it going to be? Are you going to go back to doing the same thing that isn't working?


Will you drop your doubt and ego aside and make the sacrifice required to change your life? Are you ready to:

Pursue Your Passions - Start that business, travel more, find your creative side, find your happiness.

Lose weight by Exercise Regularly And Continuously.

Become more intentional about your spiritual practice, be it praying more, meditating, journaling, you name it.

Increase your productivity, learn new skills, get that certification.

Take control of your life, make a career change, manage your debt, and make more time for the things and people you love!

The Possibilities are endless!!

All of this for $79/m

only $67/m

Limited offer service badge. Limited time banner on red back

*Limited Time Offer Of $67 MONTHLY.

Pinky Promise Illustration



Your Commitment - A Promise To Yourself And Your Accountability Partners.

By joining The Lounge, you’re committing to at least 2-hours of virtual Gathering a month for at least 90 days, You are also committing to doing the work you set for yourself to achieve your goals.



As soon as you are matched, you get to meet and connect with your potential group for 3 days to see how you feel about the group. You don’t get charged till day 5. After meeting with the group for a 3 days, you can decide if you want to continue with the group. If you don’t think it is a match, you can withdraw your interest or request a rematch (you can ONLY request a rematch ONCE).

If you choose to be rematched, you will have to wait till we can find another partner(s) that will be a fit.

We understand that these things happen – To ensure that everyone has a smooth flow/experience, After 90 days we will give you the option to stay with your group or get rematched. We can’t always match you immediately as it may disrupt the flow. But after each quarter you get the option to stay or get rematched.

We like to make sure you are matched with the right group of people, this ensures you are in a group with people who blend well together. Obviously it won’t always be perfect, After you sign up and then tell us your preference. We will take our time to thoroughly review the application, and expect to get a match in 7-14 days. YOu will not be charged till you are matched.

When you sign up, you choose the billing cycle that works best for you. We don't charge your card until you are officially added to the group.

Applying to the platform, and making payments means you are committing to 90 days of self-improvement. To avoid disrupting the group, you can only cancel AFTER 90 days.

Hey there fellow introvert! it’s ok if you are an introvert. The community is very introvert-friendly. In your application, you can choose how many people you’d prefer to be paired with.

This is your final chance

You deserve to Pursue Your Passions, start that business, travel more, find your creative side, and find your happiness.

Your fear can and should no longer hold you back. Realize it is OK to ask for help.

You deserve a life that feels gentle, A life that reflects your inner peace and contentment.

You can Increase your productivity & earnings, learn a new skill, and get that certification.

It's time to take control of your life, and make more time for the things and people you love!

©The Accountability Lounge– All Rights Reserved.